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    Call the incident response team of our strategic cybersecurity partner, Thomas Murray, on the emergency 24/7 UK line +44 (0) 2074594888, for immediate help from their experts.

    Date : Tuesday 9th November 2021

    Time: 10:00hrs – 12:00hrs (online)

    Fee: Eur 30 ex VAT 

    This webinar will focus on the changes introduced which include the following:

    Adverse news and its relevance to the customer risk assessment
    o The impact of adverse media
    o How to assess the ML/FT risk presented by the customer

    Beneficial Ownership in particular cases where
    o Shares are held by a trust, foundation or similar arrangements
    o The customer is a state-owned enterprise or public administration authority

    The due diligence obligations with reference to the Agent
    The obligation to scrutinize transactions
    The extent of ongoing monitoring in relation to low-risk scenarios
    The MLRO function
    The obligations in relation to Jurisdiction Risk Assessments

    Click here to access the revised version of the IPs : https://bit.ly/3aStHha

    Book Now